Well, I'm sure many people out there think that homeschoolers are kids who are academically ahead by three years, don't have any friends, and act weird. This might be true for some homeschoolers, but as for my friends and I--we are not like that... One of the questions I always get is the following: "Do you get to wear pajamas all day?" And the answer is no. My mom doesn't allow my siblings and I to wear pajamas all day. Sure, some homeschoolers probably do wear pajamas all day. And the other thing I always hear is,"If I were homeschooled, I could play video games all day!" Totally not true. We have school work to do just like any public schooler. Sometimes we don't have a lot of school work to do, and sometimes we do have a lot. It also depends on how the parents want things to run. In my family, there are tremendous ways to do school, not just stick-to-the-book learning. Sometimes we do math by helping mom bake or cook, which obviously includes measuring and fractions. Or we do English by writing a play to film. Of course, there are also those families who like the stick-to-the-book idea. I am the eldest in my family, so I was the first one my mom had to teach. For some many years, she wanted me to complete the entire chapters and pages in the work books. But then she discovered that homeschooling doesn't have to be like that. As a homeschooling family, our main goal was to be different from the public schools, which meant we didn't always have to complete work books.
And I bet some people wonder Why does your family homeschool? Well, to answer that, I would say it is because my parents want to have a big part in my life, as well as my siblings' life. They want to be able to teach us about living, about God, about things that public schools don't teach. They want us to be fully equipped for anything when we're older. They want us to have godly characters, and that can only come from parents teaching their children.
Now the things about having "no friends." We're not just shy little homeschoolers who are so shy that they have zero friends. We do have to seek out friendships, but that's not hard, is it? We sometimes get together with other homeschooling families and hang out. We have friends from church, and we continue to meet more people.
So have you changed your mind about homeschoolers? Do you see things different? Or do you still thing that we have "no life"? I'll tell you that I have a great life! I have a fun, caring family, some friends that I enjoy talking to, and most of all: I have God! With God, all things are possible. If you still have any questions about homeschoolers, feel free to ask me.
Until my next post,
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